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Advocate or Die
Churn, Burn, & Decline I’ve never been a fan of the ‘churn & burn’ growth model of international agencies that built geographic and...

Surveillance Capitalism, Platform Monopolies, GDPR & Government Regulation
You’d be forgiven for thinking that beneath the assiduous fact-finding by leading news brands like the New York Times, The Guardian and...

Organisational Listening on Social Media
There’s still much that we don’t know about the type of content that stakeholders expect to receive and what conversations they wish to...

How Crisis Affects Brand Reputation
A study from, updates data we use in crisis management and communications training that shows how companies’ responses to PR...

Threat of Fake News is Elevating Trust in Traditional Media
An Ogilvy Media Influence Survey suggests that journalists believe that fake news is creating new trust in traditional news outlets. The...
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